Welcome to Dolphin Talent Scout

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”
Mark Twain

If you are looking for a new position or just want to be prepared when a great opportunity arises, it’s time to get started and take the steps needed to achieve your goal.

Today more than ever before, a resume needs to stand out.  Many people are competing for the same position.  Writing one that is impactful can be difficult.  You have to consider format, length, content, and even font choice.  Plus, your resume needs to emphasize the skills and accomplishments that will benefit your next employer.

What if you think you have a good resume but aren’t sure and need to have someone else look at it?  Want to do it yourself but need to get some tips on how to improve it so that it has a clean, modern look? Maybe you should consider having a resume review done.

Aligning your LinkedIn profile to your resume is important, too.  Do the companies you have worked for and the time spent at each match what is on your resume?  If not, you might have a problem being considered for that next role.  How is the reader to know which is correct?  Does your profile incorporate the key words associated with your position/industry?

Are you prepared for the interview?  What are you going to say when asked the dreaded, “Tell me about yourself”?  How do you answer behavioral questions such as “Tell me about a time when you …..”?  What skills and successes do you want to cover?  Have you considered what the differences would be when doing a phone interview versus an in-person one?

I write resume reviews and resumes, LinkedIn updating and re-writing, as well as conduct interview coaching.  My approach to writing your resume, LinkedIn profile and coaching is to start by interviewing you, using an old resume as a roadmap.  That way I get to know you and can flush out the strengths and successes important to your resume, LinkedIn profile, and interview skills.

Want to know more?  Please review the testimonials tab on this website or check out the Recommendations section of Kathy Dolphin’s LinkedIn to see what clients have to say about my services.

Dolphin Talent Scout opened its doors in 2018.  Since that time I have worked with hundreds of clients throughout the country, employed in industries ranging from high tech to healthcare to manufacturing to retail to hospitality to banking, etc.

Contact Dolphin Talent Scout when you are ready to take the next step in your career.

Header Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash